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It is important that all pupils wear the correct school uniform.

At WHC, school uniform:

  • promotes a sense of pride in the school;
  • fosters a feeling of community and belonging;
  • is practical and smart and sets a high standard of appearance for all;
  • makes children feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance.


Waltham Holy Cross Primary School uniform consists of:

All of the below items are compulsory school uniform for WHC.

  • Plain black shoes or plain black trainers - absolutely no white soles or other colours or any kind of logo. Plain black trainers are available from most supermarket school clothing ranges at a reasonable price.  
  • No boots for indoor wear but they can be worn during play times for outside in cold weather. 
  • A white polo shirt / white blouse / button-up shirt.
  • A royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan (logo optional). 
  • Grey school trousers, skirt or tailored shorts. (Cycling shorts are not permitted)
  • Plain grey tights. (Leggings are not permitted).
  • A checked blue/white summer dress or grey pinafore dress.
  • A coat or waterproof jacket.
  • No jewellery is permitted.


PE Kit

  • Plain black shorts
  • Coloured  t-shirt - please speak to the office re: house colour and supplier
  • Black training shoes for outdoor games (hi-top trainers are not suitable) Indoor P.E will be in bare feet.
  • Tracksuit bottoms and a warm top for outdoor games/cold weather.


Children in KS2 also require a swimming kit at some point which should include:

(A letter will be sent out in advance of swimming lessons)

  • A one-piece swimming costume for girls
  • Swimming trunks or shorts for boys (These should be above the knee as long shorts make it more difficult for children who are learning to swim)
  • A towel
  • A swimming hat


No jewellery can be worn to school other than a wrist watch.  Earrings are not permitted to be worn at school at all.  

Make Up

Make-up of any kind (including nail varnish) is not permitted.


Long hair should be tied back.  Bows should be in school colours of royal blue, white or yellow and of a reasonable size.  



We really want to increase pride in being part of our school and uniform is a great way to ensure children feel they belong.

We also ask that all items of clothing or footwear are clearly marked with your child’s name.

Polo shirts, sweatshirts and cardigans, which are manufactured with the school logo embroidered on the front, can be purchased via this link.

Simply go to the website address, then select 'Find My School' and follow the order instructions.

Alternatively, if you do not have access to the internet you can call this number to order: 01923 255525. Please be aware that delivery is free of charge if delivered directly to the school. Additional costs will incur to a private home address.

Please be aware – It is not compulsory for school uniform to carry the school logo. However, uniform containing the school logo does increase a sense of pupil identity within the school and can make it easier for parents to decide what is/is not appropriate for school uniform.

Supermarket plain blue (non logo) cardigans and jumpers are also acceptable.

Second Hand Uniform

At different points in the year, WHC PTFA and the Family Support Team will ensure that second hand uniform is available to buy from the school. This will, usually, happen after school and at events. There may be further times that the school sells second hand uniform as the need arises. If you are struggling with the cost of uniform, please ask to speak to our Family Support Team who can provide help with uniform.

The school also welcomes good quality used uniform. If your child has out grown their uniform and you feel that this would do another a family a turn. Please send your used uniform to the school office, thank you.