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Let's Get Physical


Healthy Eating and Exercise Guidance



Let's get physical, physical

I wanna get physical

Let's get into physical


Yes it was 40 years ago in 1981 when Olivia Newton John sang the song and not long after Mr Motivator came along and prompted parents to start getting physical in their living rooms. Moving on, Jamie Oliver banned any stodgy puddings in schools and... yet... we still need to focus on fitness and healthy eating! 


Let's Get Physical is an important part of our Parent-School partnership. Here we focus on:


  • Healthy eating guidance
  • Packed lunch ideas
  • Let's dive into dinners (school dinner focus)
  • Exercise ideas for kids


So let's put the cakes down, get out the lycra and start a better lifestyle! 

Healthy Eating Guidance

january recipe cards lockdown 2021.pdf

february recipe cards lockdown 2021.pdf


Packed lunch ideas

We know that all children are different in their likes and dislikes. One of the most fun ways you can explore foods with a child is to play games e.g. blind taste tests or have a family challenge each week where you are exploring new foods. Children also are more likely to explore new foods if they are active in making it themselves. Family cooking is also a great way of extending the tastebud interest. Alternatively, looking at what they could have is also a good way to explore. The Pinterest link (click on the graphic below) takes you through a range of different ideas to explore.


Exercise Ideas for kids at home

There are two banks of activities for Spring Term - you can find our NETFLEX activities on our Pupil Athlete Pathway page at https://whc.netacademies.net/Pupil-Athlete-Pathway/ or choose from the banks of activities for your child's year group: