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The aim of NET Academies Trust is to promote and lead innovative practice in our schools and classrooms to help raise educational outcomes for all pupils.

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Let's Get Listening

Parent Voice and Direction

Let's Get Listening - our parent voice and direction strategy - is essential in improving our school. At WHC we appreciate and encourage open and frank feedback and conversations in the spirit of positive school improvement. With everyone owning the positive direction of improvement and talking about what is happening, we can achieve the best for our community. Our strategy includes: 


  • Online 'Have Your Say' newsletter feedback

  • Parent view questionnaires

  • Parent consultations

  • Parental representation on governing body


So... let's get listening, talking, understanding and improving.

Online 'Have Your Say' newsletter feedback

Within every newsletter, we have a link to the 'Have Your Say' forum. Here you can ask any question anonymously and we will answer it publicly in the next newsletter (as long as it is respectful and reasonable). Below is a link to the 'Have Your Say' forum and an example of a newsletter showing how we feed back. 

Your opinion matters. Help us celebrate the good and to keep getting better.

Click here to let us know... https://bit.ly/35B6e2O or scan the QR code below.

Have your say (1).png


Newsletters - with Have Your Say feedback


Parent View questionnaires

Annually, we ask parents to complete a Parent View questionnaire. This provides an overview of our school. The results of Summer 2022 Parent View will be published here.

Parent Consultations

We have termly parent consultations in person on school site which time slots are allocated on request through our MIS system. Alongside this we send termly reports outlining attainment, progress, behaviour for learning and attendance.


Parental representation on governing body

We have two parent governors (as listed on the governors page). Their role is:

  • To bring a parental perspective to the issues discussed – they are not there to speak 'on behalf' of the parent body
  • No different from those of other governors

Note: parents are elected to the board, not appointed (unless there are fewer candidates than vacancies).

Parent governors are on the board to communicate a parent's perspective. They are not there to speak on behalf of parents but to help the board understand a parent's viewpoint. This will help the board make good decisions and maintain a link between governance and the parent community.

To support parent governors, please remember that they are not there to: 

  • Speak on your behalf
  • Bring up individual issues in meetings
  • Solve problems for you

If you have any issues, please either use the Have Your Say, Meet the Head forum, call the school directly, email or book an appointment with the appropriate member of staff.